RAINBOW Sapphire Collection-The Reason Why
I, like the rest of the country have been in awe of all the front line workers over the last year, especially those dealing with things at the very front of that front line. A few people close to my family have been hospitalised or sadly passed away and it has highlighted how difficult things have been for staff as well as their patients. When I saw these beautiful Rainbow Sapphire stones on a suppliers website and discussed with friends in the jewellery trade it set the idea in motion of making a collection and donating a portion from sales to a charity and the Rainbow has been the symbol of the NHS since we first locked down in March 2020.
I have chosen the NHS charity Love Your Hospital as they help with respite for staff and patients in different settings and also buy some much needed things to make hospital stays more comfortable.
We have also needed our local hospital in the past when our daughter needed a couple of overnight visits so know first hand how lovely and hard working the staff are and how desperately supplies are needed in the childrens ward in particular.
I have made a collection of hand patterned Sterling silver rings that have a vivid rainbow across it and intend to donate 20% of all sales to Love Your Hospital. If you read this, please consider these pieces if you want to treat yourself or a loved one and you will also be treating a local and well deserving charity.
You can see how they spend the money raised for them here https://www.loveyourhospital.org/ And you can find my Rainbow Sapphire rings here http://facebook.com/dymondjewellery and click onto the shop. 🙂